But how does that work, and how many ranks are there? On August 20, 2024, right after Gamescom was aired, Team Jade of their upcoming tactical FPS from to simply . Still, the content it offers during the remains the same. The multiplayer is a part of it, and like other FPS games (say, , , or ) you can unlock different ranks.

How many ranks are there in Delta Force In the Havoc Warfare mode has in total. Some of the lower ranks are subdivided into three tiers. As you gain more military merits and rank higher, you’ll find them subdivided into four or even five tiers.

Here’s a rundown of all seven military ranks: Check the table below for the military merit system for these ranks: All rank rewards As you put in the work and grind these ranks, you also get some sweet rewards in return. Since the game is still in the alpha stage, there’s a chance the devs could change the names of these ranks. If that happens, we’ll update this section with all the details.
