will feature the traditional Perk system we all know and love. On top of , Killstreaks, and , you’ll need to pick three Perks for your , but which ones will be in the game? Here’s a full list of the leaked Black Ops 6 Perks, including their descriptions. Leaked Black Ops 6 Perks list According to , there are over 20 Perks to choose from in Black Ops 6.

You can also select as many Perks of the same Combat Specialty as you want, and you’ll even get a bonus for using three of the same. Perhaps more Perks will be added throughout the game’s lifespan, but we’ll have to wait and see. Black Ops 6 Wildcards leaked In Black Ops 6, you have a limit of three Perks per class unless you equip the Perk Greed Wildcard.

These are the three that were in the leaked Black Ops 6 footage, but there’s a chance that more Wildcards will be added in the future. Perk Combat Speciality explained Earn these bonuses by using three Perks of the same Combat Specialty. Keep in mind that all of these Perks are currently just leaks, so take them with a pinch of salt.

Will likely get official information on Black Ops 6’s Perks during the and once players get their hands on the ..