It's no secret that there have been a lot of big moves to expand the railway infrastructure in China over the last couple of decades. The country debuted the world's longest high-speed rail line back in 2012 and is even planning an undersea railway to Taiwan that will span 135km . Several new train systems have been introduced over the course of this massive transport boom, but few compare to the Fuxing Hao trains, which connect Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Tianjin, Xian, Changsha, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan, and other cities.

As the first set of trains to be designed and manufactured fully in China, these groundbreaking Fuxing Hao trains are the first of their kind. This family of bullet trains is fast, reliable, and extremely efficient, making them an ideal model for the large-scale production required for China's massive transit system. It also makes them a solid candidate for replacing the aging Hexie Hao high-speed trains introduced in 2004 and launched in 2012.

Hearing that, some of you might be interested in learning more about these fascinating trains. Let's get into how the Fuxing Hao were developed, what design elements and features set them apart, how fast they run, and what accommodations they offer their passengers. The Fuxing Hao line was designed by two companies.

The first was China Railway, a government-owned railroad corporation that built the majority of China's existing railways and 90% of its electric rails. The second is the Beijing-based corpora.