The nine-year-old's parents Sergio and Alexandra were joined by family and friends at St Patrick's Catholic Church in the town. Among those who also paid their respects were Serena Kennedy , Chief Constable of Merseyside Police , along with uniformed officers from the police and the ambulance and fire services. Advertisement Advertisement Did you know with a Digital Subscription to Edinburgh News, you can get unlimited access to the website including our premium content, as well as benefiting from fewer ads, loyalty rewards and much more.

Members of the public lined Marshside Road as the funeral cortege arrived, along with about 30 uniformed police officers. Pink ribbons and balloons were tied to lamp posts and garden walls. Applause broke out as the carriage, drawn by two white horses sporting orange and white plumes and containing the youngster's white coffin, approached the church entrance.

Several hundred people packed into the church while more listened outside as the service was relayed on loudspeakers. Advertisement Advertisement In an address to their daughter given on their behalf, Alice's parents said: "Dear Alice, you were our perfect dream child, everything was idyllic from the moment you arrived. "A good girl, with strong values and kind nature.

A lover of animals and an environmentalist in the making. You moved our world with your confidence and empathy. Playful energetic, friendly, and always so respectful.

"Being around you was a privilege, we cherished every .