, who made her debut in Karan Johar’s Student of the Year in 2012, has since become one of Bollywood's top actresses, known for her brilliant acting chops. However, despite her confident public image, Bhatt recently opened up in an interview about her ongoing struggles with body image issues. ADVERTISEMENT Alia Bhatt on battling body image issues in Bollywood Alia Bhatt openly admitted that even after losing a lot of weight, she still dealt with self-doubt and wasn’t completely happy with herself.

In an interview with Allure, she talked about how, growing up, she faced strict beauty expectations in the Indian film industry, which often favored women who were tall, fair-skinned, and slim. She remembers, “I was quite a chubby, healthy kind of kid, very happy with my life at the time. I didn’t think there was anything wrong with the way I looked,” she said.

But when she entered the film industry, the way she saw herself started to shift. She dealt with body image struggles and often felt pressured to keep losing weight, “I have struggled with body-image issues since then. No matter how much weight I lost, I always struggled,” she admitted.

Her friends would often tell her to stop worrying about dieting and just enjoy life, but Alia couldn't get rid of the feeling that she had to meet the industry's expectations, “My friends would say, ‘Alia, you need to stop dieting. Just be calm, live a little, eat some food.’ And I used to be like, ‘Once a fat kid, always.