is the name of the moment in the . The Brazilian superstar is the undisputed light heavyweight champion, and is on everyone's lips. So much so that 'Poatan' has recorded a video for his YouTube channel where he has addressed the issues that most concern his fans, in order to clarify his short-term future.

The first topic he talked about was who is presumed to be his next opponent in the light heavyweight division. The Russian has been saying for weeks that he won't need to take to the ground to win. However, the Brazilian has given him a warning about what he may encounter.

"There are people trying to belittle me, saying they will knock me out, but I am training, evolving...

every fight will be harder for them," he said. Recall that , former champion of his division and Brazilian jiu-jitsu specialist. In addition to this fight to defend his belt, many fans had asked 'Poatan' to move up to heavyweight to become the first fighter in history to be champion in three different divisions.

Not only did he refer to it, but he made clear his conditions for this to happen. "I'm not interested in . I'm 37 years old, it doesn't make sense for me to fight for the interim title.

If I move up to heavyweight, it's to fight for the real belt. I don't care if Jon Jones has it or whoever, but my goal is that belt," Alex said. Along with talking about his career, also wanted to bury the hatchet with his biggest rival, .

Despite the five fights they have had between MMA and kickboxing, the Brazili.