The Food & Environmental Hygiene Department’s Centre for Food Safety (CFS) today alerted the public to fake social media accounts and a fake website purporting to be those of the centre. They are also suspected of fraudulently using the centre’s logo. The centre has reported the matter to Police for investigation.

In a press statement, it stressed that it does not leave comments on its social media posts asking people to click on external links, or request them to provide their banking or credit card data. To prevent loss, the centre advised citizens to be discerning when distinguishing the authenticity of online information, and not to click on any hyperlinks from unknown sources. The centre’s official website is www. .

The link to its official Facebook page is

hk . Those who have provided personal information to suspected fake accounts or through bogus hyperlinks should consider reporting the matter to Police. For enquiries, call 2868 0000, or write to enquiries@fehd. ..