Aldi is upgrading its supermarkets (Picture: Getty Images)While Aldi is best known for its middle aisle, there’s one other section of the store that shoppers often flip out over. We’re talking, of course, about the in-store bakery, which customers on social media say is ‘amazing’ and ‘a holy place’ – with some even going as far as to claim it rivals high street favourite Greggs. And it seems the Aldi Bakery is only going to get better, as the discount retailer has announced plans to upgrade all its supermarkets, with a particular focus on improving the in-store bakeries.
The business is going to be splashing a whopping £67million to upgrade its stores across the UK this year, and in addition to improving the bakery section, they’ll also be making changes to health and beauty, as well as the fridges in the chilled aisle, where they’ll be upgrading the units to reduce carbon emissions (equivalent to heating over 6,500 homes).Aldi is going to be improving its in-store bakeries (Picture: Aldi)This is all part of the ‘second phase’ of Aldi’s store enhancement programme, which the company has been working on since 2017. The retailer has spent almost £600million on updates as part of the ‘first phase’, which is nearly complete.
These initial updates were intended to create a better shopping experience for customers and included making more space for fresh, chilled, and food-to-go ranges, creating simpler layouts, as well as improving fixtures and adding .