Are you religious? Actually, yes. Oliver Callan said on his radio show this year that he had the strangest religious experience in the strangest place, and it was at one of my gigs. Maybe it was because I mentioned the parish quite a bit and my mother is the parish secretary.

I grew up in the shadow of the church, figuratively and literally, my house is a stone’s throw from our local church. I did every job in the church, I was a reader, altar server and choir boy. I did philosophy in college and I thought that maybe I’d make a great monk.

READ MORE: Al Porter on experiencing dark times in his life since ‘everything fell apart’ READ MORE: Al Porter shares extent of his drink and drugs battle: 'By 21 I was having up to 10 pints a day' What did you want to be growing up? Bette Midler or Goldie Hawn! I also watched a lot of wrestling growing up because I loved the costumes and theatrics of it and I thought I could have been a wrestler too. But I was the skinniest boy, a gust of wind could have knocked me over, so there was a bit of confusion there. My friend and I used to steal our sister’s swimsuits because they looked like wrestling leotards.

I would have been a crap priest too, I would have been terrible at confession because I’m a gossip. Currently, I just want to be Joanne McNally. I think she’s amazing and I think I would rock the pink jumpsuit.

What’s your greatest achievement in life? My life changed entirely when I got sober just over three years ago. Th.