Run-of-the-mill robes can be swapped for patterned chitenges. Visitors engage in soothing ceremonies and smokey cleansing rituals rather than treatments. And talented massage therapists with visual impairments make use of marula oil, mahangu exfoliant, stones, calabashes and sticks to knead away the worries of the world while burning African incense.

Drawing on the traditions of our foremothers, this uniquely African approach to wellness is what sets Nomad African Wellness Homestead founder Mariane Akwenye apart. It is also why she has recently been appointed the chair of the Africa Initiative by the Global Wellness Institute. “We are thrilled to have Mariane Akwenye lead the Africa Initiative,” says Global Wellness Institute chief executive Susie Ellis.

The Global Wellness Institute (GWI) is a non-profit organisation focused on researching, documenting and disseminating data about the wellness industry across the world. Through its research, programmes and initiatives, GWI has been instrumental in the growth of the multitrillion wellness economy and in uniting health and wellness industries. The Global Wellness Institute reports that the global wellness economy was valued at US$5,6 trillion in 2022.

In her role as chair of the Africa Initiative, Akwenye plans to elevate Africa’s presence in the global wellness sphere while positioning the continent as a reservoir of ancient healing wisdom and profound insights into natural wellness practices. With Akwenye at the helm, .