Bollywood star Akshay Kumar has revealed his much-anticipated first look as Lord Shiva in the upcoming mythological drama Kannappa , which is set to release on April 25, 2025. Directed by Mukesh Kumar Singh, the film is one of the most significant big-budget projects currently in production in Tollywood. The makers unveiled the striking poster of Akshay Kumar in the iconic role of Lord Shiva, which has caught the attention of fans and critics alike.
Akshay Kumar shared his excitement for the project on social media, writing, “Stepping into the sacred aura of Mahadev for #Kannappa. Honored to bring this epic tale to life. May Lord Shiva guide us on this divine journey.
Om Namah Shivaya.” Fans of the actor and the mythology genre are eagerly awaiting this monumental release. In poster, Akshay Kumar embodies the power and majesty of Lord Shiva, donning a white dhoti and holding the symbolic trishul (trident) and damru (small hand drum).
His portrayal emphasizes the solemnity and strength associated with the Hindu deity. Akshay’s blue throat, referencing the legend of Shiva drinking the poison during the churning of the ocean, adds a powerful visual element to the design. His sincere and commanding expression is sure to resonate with audiences.
Akshay’s Second Portrayal Of Shiva This marks Akshay Kumar’s second portrayal of Lord Shiva on screen, following his role in Oh My God 2 . In Kannappa , he plays the revered deity in a story about one of Lord Shiva’s greatest d.