Popular casting director Mukesh Chhabra has revealed how Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar went above and beyond to help him secure medical treatment for his mother. Despite not being close friends, Akshay stepped in to assist Chhabra during a difficult time. Akshay Kumar arranged for Mukesh Chhabra’s mother’s heart treatment, reveals casting director; recalls getting call from actor for 15 days continuously Mukesh Chhabra Recalls Akshay Kumar's Heartwarming Gesture In an interview with Ranveer Allahbadia, Chhabra shared that his mother, Kamal Chhabra, had a heart problem two years ago.

When he sought help from filmmaker Anand L Rai, he was advised to connect with a specific doctor at a prominent hospital. Knowing that Akshay Kumar had connections with the doctor, Chhabra reached out to the actor. “So, I sent Akshay Kumar a message and he immediately called.

He arranged everything in that hospital, he called me almost every day, continuously for 15 days. He would ask, ‘How is your mother doing? How are you?’ He also spoke to the doctor continuously. He doesn’t talk about it; I never spoke about it either,” Mukesh recalled.

He further added, “Despite being so busy, he would ask every morning, ‘Mummy da ki haal hai?‘ I can’t forget that at all. He even met my mother. It is not even that we are regularly in touch, because you take this step to help someone when you know them at a personal level but still, he did that.

We started talking after that, but I can’t.