Actress Aishwarya Sharma, who is known for her role as Patralekha in the TV show , penned a heartwarming birthday wish for her husband, actor Neil Bhatt, on his 36th birthday, saying “ .” Aishwarya took to Instagram and shared a series of unseen pictures with her husband. In the first snap, she is wearing a pink crop top and blue shorts, while Neil is dressed in a pink shirt and jeans.

The couple is standing close together, posing for the camera. The rest of the photos show the couple enjoying their vacation, capturing their moments together. In her heartfelt note, Aishwarya wrote: “Happy birthday Husband @bhatt_neil.

..I know we aren’t perfect but that’s the beauty of it, actually We are imperfectly Perfect.

.. We fight more than we love and we are never on the same page ever.

.. but today you have to be on my page because 'mera birthday mera birthday or Tera birthday bhi mera birthday'.

.. so technically Happy birthday to me.

” Her playful yet sincere message highlights the couple's dynamic relationship, marked by love, fights, and mutual understanding. Fans showered the post with love, appreciating the honest glimpse into their relationship. One fan commented, “Aish being Aish in the caption,” while another said, “Happy birthday Neil Armstrong.

” Neil, who is known for his roles in popular TV shows, shares a strong bond with Aishwarya, and their relationship continues to charm their followers. Aishwarya gained stardom after portraying the role of Patralekha M.