Amid separation rumours with Abhishek Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai adds one more featherinher cap. Her iconic lehenga from Ashutosh Gowariker's 2008 epic Jodhaa Akbar has found a new home. And it is the prestigious Academy Musuem.

On Tuesday, The Academy announced that the wedding lehenga Aishwarya wore in the movie when Jodha was getting married to Abkar, will be part of an exhibition for the Academy Museum in an Instagram post. "A lehenga fit for a queen," they wrote, sharing a montage of the movie. "Designed for the silver screen.

In JODHA AKBAR (2008), Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's red wedding lehenga is a feast for the eyes: vibrant zardozi embroidery, centuries-old craftsmanship, and a hidden gem-quite literally. Look closely and you'll spot a peacock, India's national bird, made entirely of jewels," the post continued. The Academy also credited fashion designer Neeta Lulla, who worked tirelessly to craft the oeuvre d'art.

Appreciating her work, the post further read, "Neeta Lulla didn't design a costume; she crafted a legacy. Step into history (and color) at the Academy Museum's COLOR IN MOTION exhibition." Check out the post here: View this post on Instagram A post shared by The Academy (@theacademy) Fans were overjoyed to see such global recognition for the star and filled the comments section with love and congratulatory messages.

One internet user wrote, "Having being born in the west, Aishwarya Rai Bachan always made me feel proud of my South Heritage, and for that I'll be .