Aishwarya Rai Bachchan recently grabbed headlines when she along with her daughter Aaradhya Bachchan ditched the family photo with the Bachchans and posed solo. The actress has once again grabbed headlines as her slam book page talking about her ideal partner goes viral on social media amid divorce rumours with Abhishek Bachchan. On Thursday, a Reddit user shared a picture of a slam book page filled by Aishwarya Rai.

As per The Indian Express, the slam book entry is from an issue of Stardust magazine. In the entry, Aishwarya shared that she loves the feeling of “being in love” and revealed what turns her on. While answering about her turn-ons, the actress described her ideal partner and wrote, "The one who’ll lead me to the light, even in the dark”.

Aishwarya’s slam book entry by u/Accurate-Train218 in BollyBlindsNGossip She also mentioned that dignity and compassion impress her and he doesn’t appreciate people “washing their dirty linen in public." The actress, however, refrained from revealing her most embarrassing moment in the slam book and wrote, "Nooo! My lips are sealed!" Aishwarya Rai's fans flocked the comment section. One of the comments read, "My Sorrow is Mine!!!!! That hit me hard.

.that’s completely true in her case..

what is she going through she never spoke, and she never will.." Another user wrote, "That first line kinda hurts, knowing how her (romantic) love life went.

" Another user commented, "Is there anything about this woman which is not b.