A flight attendant warned people about the dangers of 'skiplagging' flights after a friend was banned from the airline they worked for. It was posted on social media to warn others Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters A flight attendant has taken to social media to warn travellers about the potential dangers of "skiplagging" flights, cautioning that airlines may impose severe penalties. The cabin crew member, known as @traveling.

mermaidd on TikTok , shared a story about a friend who was banned from American Airlines due to this practice. Skiplagging, also referred to as hidden city ticketing, involves purchasing a ticket for a journey with a stop-over, but with no intention of taking the connecting flight. For instance, a ticket from London to Geneva might include a stop in Paris - occasionally, it could be cheaper to book the Geneva flight and disembark in Paris rather than booking a direct flight to the French capital.

In the US, skiplagging has become so prevalent that an entire website has been created to assist budget-conscious travellers in finding the best deals. However, despite seeming harmless, skiplagging can lead to serious repercussions if the airline catches you in the act. While not illegal per se, several major airlines have company policies that ban individuals caught repeatedl.