A calendar full of weddings is causing increasing stress and financial worries for guests, according to new research by Airbnb . 53% of guests in the UK now struggle with the cost of attending a wedding. 83% of Brits will attend at least one wedding this year, with 31% attending four or more.

Going abroad for a wedding not only allows guests to celebrate with their loved ones, but over half of guests see the rising trend of couples choosing to tie the knot overseas as an opportunity for an extended holiday. Airbnbas partnered with fashion rental app By Rotation to ease the planning involved and lower the cost of attending. The collaboration sees complimentary outfit rentals offered to Airbnb guests who stay in wedding destinations, including Spain, Italy, and France.

Guests can now browse the Airbnb Edit , which showcases wedding guest outfits, and explore By Rotation's Wishlist of top Airbnb stays for wedding guests. Amanda Cupples, General Manager for the UK & Northern Europe at Airbnb, said: “Watching loved ones tie the knot should be a cause for celebration, not worry. With our research showing that guest stress is snowballing, we want to try and ease that pressure.

Partnering with By Rotation couldn’t have ‘married’ up more perfectly, as their fashion expertise enables wedding guests to hire their dream outfit in a more sustainable and cost friendly way. This, combined with Airbnb’s range of unforgettable stays all over the globe, where you can have the place t.