Summary ATC enforces mandatory breaks every 90-120 min to combat fatigue and ensure safety. The FAA sets a maximum age limit of 30 for aspiring air traffic controllers. Air traffic controllers use a specialized language, radiotelephony, for clear communication.

Air traffic controllers in the US must take mandatory breaks every 90 to 120 minutes. Air traffic control (ATC) is a critical component of the aviation industry, ensuring that the thousands of flights crisscrossing the skies daily do so safely and efficiently. While most people know the primary responsibilities of air traffic controllers, several fascinating aspects of the job still need to be discovered.

Here are five fun facts about air traffic control in the United States that shed light on this vital profession's unique challenges and interesting quirks. 1 Mandatory breaks to combat fatigue One break every 90 to 120 minutes Air traffic control is a high-stress job, where split-second decisions can mean the difference between a smooth landing and a potential disaster. To maintain their sharpness and focus, air traffic controllers in the US must take mandatory breaks every 90 to 120 minutes.

According to Aviation Week , these breaks are not just recommended; they are forced to help controllers stay refreshed and alert, reducing the risk of fatigue-related errors. This regulation underscores the demanding nature of the job and the emphasis on safety in the aviation industry​. This is what a normal day in the life of.