Before Lamorne Morris became an actor, he worked, to quote him directly, “a million jobs” — including stocking the shelves at video stores, bussing tables at restaurants, etc. — that, on some days, left him thinking, “Damn, I need a drink.” However, some days he had while working on shows like Fargo also left him feeling that way.

That is why he jumped at the opportunity to partner with Mike’s Hard Lemonade and host the company’s Jobstacle Course, which is a new interactive event that will allow participants to experience just how hard some “easy” jobs actually can be. When speaking to Morris, who is best known for his comedic role in the New Girl cast , about the pop-up event, I asked him if there was ever a moment from his acting career that made him feel overworked in the same vein as the sort of gigs highlighted in Mike’s Jobstacle Course. This is what he had to say: I’ll tell you, Fargo was heavy.

The subject matter behind that was very, very heavy. It’s dealing with abuse and things like that and it’s triggering for a lot of folks. Especially, I knew how I grew up and I knew the environment that I grew up in and sometimes you just need to leave work at work and go have a drink, you know? You also have to stay mentally there because you’re still filming.

You’re filming for six or seven months. You wanna make sure you’re not completely departing your character and trying to find him again in the space. So, you keep a little bit of that in.