Tuesday, August 27, 2024 Indian Travelers Flocking Back to Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia: Agoda’s Latest Insights Reveal the Rise of Return Visits It appears that one visit to captivating destinations such as Thailand and Vietnam is often not sufficient for many avid travelers. Agoda’s recent Return Visitor Ranking has unveiled a compelling trend: a remarkable 67% of Indian travelers find themselves returning to their cherished vacation spots. This ranking, derived from a comprehensive survey carried out on the Agoda platform earlier this month, highlights the growing popularity of certain destinations among Indian tourists.

Leading the charge are Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia, which have emerged as the most frequented locations for repeat visits. These vibrant countries are followed closely by Singapore and France, which also attract a significant number of returning visitors. This trend underscores a deeper affinity and connection Indian travelers have with these destinations, revealing a fascinating preference for revisiting places that have left a lasting impression.

Agoda recently conducted a survey among travelers who have just booked their next journey to their preferred destinations, unveiling some intriguing insights into their motivations and travel habits. Among the respondents from India, a substantial 42% identified ‘Adventure’ as the primary reason behind their upcoming trips. This finding highlights a clear inclination towards exploring new experi.