Turning 30 doesn't mean you have to bid farewell to healthy, vibrant hair. If you’re looking to keep your hair healthy as you hit your 30s and beyond, you should think about taking a holistic approach. Think of it as pampering your hair from the inside out.

As we cross the threshold of 30, our bodies undergo subtle changes that can significantly impact our hair health. Hormonal shifts, increased stress levels, and nutritional deficiencies often manifest as thinning hair, reduced shine, and even hair loss. However, all is not lost, as thanks to nature, you still have access to a treasure trove of herbs and natural ingredients that can revitalize your locks and restore your hair's youthful vigor.

Mihir Gadani, Biotechnologist and co-founder of OZiva shares 3 magical ingredients to work on your hair health. The 3 magical ingredients: Zinc, Iron, & Brahmi Zinc : The Cellular Powerhouse Zinc plays a crucial role in hair health, particularly as we age. This mineral is essential for cell division and protein synthesis, processes vital for hair growth.

As we enter our 30s, our body's ability to absorb zinc may decrease, making supplementation increasingly important. Studies have shown that zinc derived from natural sources like Guava Leaf extract can be particularly effective in strengthening hair follicles and nourishing hair roots. Zinc also helps balance hormone levels, including DHT (dihydrotestosterone), a hormone that can cause hair follicles to shrink and lead to hair loss i.