Ah, Game of Thrones. A chapter of my life that I have long since revisited several times – but you want to know what has changed? My perception of Sansa Stark. Let me preface this by saying that the world of A Song of Ice and Fire has plenty of characters that you either grow to hate or grow to love.

Sansa was undoubtedly one of those for me. Ever since I began watching the show back in 2016, and watched it through the end, I never had the fondest thoughts about good old Lady Stark. But, I recently rewatched Game of Thrones for fun , and as I did, I slowly began to realize that how I viewed Sansa, as an annoying little girl at first, had changed completely.

Maybe it was because my frontal lobe was fully developed at the time, and I finally had the sense to think about what the character had gone through. Even so, here I was..

.coming to a shocking realization that Sansa really..

.isn’t that bad. Like at all.

And people need to stop hating her. Before We Dig Into The Character – Sophie Turner Was Fantastic As Sansa Throughout The Show So, let’s start off by saying that I love Sophie Turner with all my heart. I have so much respect for anyone in the Game of Thrones cast , but I have even more major respect for the young men and women who began this show as children and turned into formidable actors by the end of it, yet still delivered a performance in their younger years that is nearly impossible to beat.

Turner is one of those actors. While I do have a particular love f.