Bollywood icon Jackie Shroff has stated that he has granted exclusive rights for impersonation only to Krushna Abhishek. New Delhi: To protect his personal and publicity rights, the actor has filed a lawsuit with the Delhi High Court against several parties for allegedly misusing his name, images, voice, and the nickname ‘Bhidu’ without his consent. Krushna Abhishek, renowned for spot-on impersonations of Jackie Shroff on The Great Indian Kapil Sharma Show and other platforms, recently shared with Pinkvilla that Tiger Shroff personally reached out to commend his performance.

Jackie Shroff has also praised Abhishek, highlighting his unique ability to capture Shroff's essence with remarkable authenticity and charm. Recently, Krushna Abhishek is set to appear in the highly anticipated film Welcome To The Jungle. Directed by Ahmed Khan, the movie features Jackie Shroff as the antagonist and boasts an impressive ensemble cast including Akshay Kumar, Paresh Rawal, Disha Patani, Jacqueline Fernandez, Lara Dutta, Raveena Tandon, Rajpal Yadav, Shreyas Talpade, Tusshar Kapoor, Mika Singh, and Daler Mehndi.

Welcome To The Jungle is expected to be the biggest comedy of 2024 and is scheduled for a Christmas release. In response to the legal proceedings, Krushna's wife, Kashmera Shah, expressed her support on Instagram. She captioned her post, “To all the disappointed fans that have been messaging us I just want to tell you all that please understand that IMITATION IS THE HIGHEST FOR.