A day after Kangana Ranaut took a jibe at Vinesh Phogat's protest against Narendra Modi while also praising her Olympic achievement, she has changed her tune. The actress-turned-politician has shown her support to Vinesh after she was disqualified from the Paris Olympics 2024. Vinesh was disqualified from the finals in the women’s 50 kg category at the Paris 2024 Olympics on the morning of her match because she was overweight by 100 grams.

Kangana, on her Instagram stories, showed her support for Vinesh and offered encouragement. She shared an image with a message that read, “Mat ro Vinesh, aapke saath khada hai pura desh” (Don’t cry, the whole country is standing beside you). Kangana also shared an image on Instagram Stories of Indian Olympic Association chief PT Usha meeting Vinesh, calling her ‘sherni’ (lioness).

Vinesh Phogat scripted history on Tuesday, August 6, when she became the first female Indian wrestler to reach an Olympic final at the ongoing Paris Olympics 2024 when she defeated Cuba's Yusneylys Guzman by 5-0 in the semi-final match. Vinesh will now fight for the gold medal against USA's Sarah Hildebrandt in the final in the late night on Wednesday, August 7. As the 29-year-old was a leading face in the protests against the former Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh last year, Kangana Ranaut took a jibe at the Indian wrestler after her historic win.

She shared a photo of Vinesh on her Instagram Stories and credited her vict.