After some sporadic returns to moviemaking amidst her divorce from Brad Pitt , cinematic icon Angelina Jolie is making quite the return with some 2024 movies . Reflecting on her tumultuous split, and the unfortunate ramifications, the Academy Award winner has had a lot of time to discuss on just how Hollywood has changed during the span of her career. As you’d imagine, privacy is one of the key lenses this discussion has played out through.

During the course of her THR interview, Jolie declined to comment on some rather personal subjects that have been in the news as of late. Framing her decision with a totally valid concern, the former Tomb Raider star shared this main difference that separates the modern Tinseltown from its past eras: You could have this messy private process and the work spoke. Now, the audience’s relationship is different.

I’m trying to get used to what to share. With reports of how Angelina Jolie’s life changed mid-divorce still fresh in everyone’s heads, her learning process on “what to share” feels like a natural step of growth. In the shadow of the new film Calas earning rave reviews , Jolie’s pitch to push the focus back onto the work couldn’t have come at a better time too.

As the Girl Interrupted actress seems to be getting back into the swing of promoting and producing labors of love, there’s naturally going to be some out there who will inquire about aspects of how life has changed since she and Brad Pitt dissolved their marri.