Bola supported her girlfriend through school with the hope of getting married to her someday; he never suspected any foul play from her side. They were cool together until he proposed to her, and got rejected. Her only excuse was that he wasn’t a Christian.

“I met her in my final year, and she was just a fresher. I fell in love with her. She was young and beautiful.

Then I was the one in love, and it was obvious she didn’t love me the same way I did. I tried all I could to make her love me and at last she began to reciprocate my love. She was my joy giver and I didn’t withhold any good thing from her.

I provided everything she needed in school and even paid her school fees. I studied Computer Engineering and had my own office even while in school. I was doing fine financially and didn’t want her to suffer or follow men because of money.

I made sure she never lacked anything. Besides, she was a medical student and in her final year. “Then I asked her to marry me but she rejected my proposal in front of my friends.

I was shocked. I felt she had no reason to reject me after all I did for her. She told me she couldn’t marry me because I was not a Christian.

She said her family won’t accept me and it was her decision. On that day I was heartbroken. Someone I trained in school, and all these years we were together, she never mentioned that my religion could be a hindrance.

She never complained about my faith. We were both Yoruba but of different religions. She had t.