The successful director Arun Matheswaran gave three consecutive hits in Kollywood in the form of Rocky, Saani Kaayidham, and Captain Miller. The director is now getting ready to step into Bollywood for his Hindi directorial debut. According to the sources, Sarita Ashwin Varde 'Roaring River Production' and Nazeer Ahmed have signed Arun Matheswaran for his Hindi feature film.
The paperwork is currently under progress and an official update about this announcement of this collaboration is underway. The sources further said that the makers are completely focusing on the script and plot building. "Arun is very particular about the subjects he picks up for direction, and this one is something that warrants the making in Hindi language.
The team will proceed to the casting stage once the script is locked. The idea is to make a heavy-on-content commercial film with a top actor from the Hindi film industry," the source added. We also hear that there are huge chances of a crossover in casting with actors from across the industries heading to board the project.
However, the project is in its initial stages. Apart from Arun Matheswaran, the director of the film Amaran , Rajkumar Perisamy is also set to make his debut in Hindi with producer Bhushan Kumar. Multiple directors from Kollywood are aiming for their Hindi debut.
And are in demand from the offices in Mumbai. Earlier in 2023, director Atlee made his Hindi debut with the blockbuster film Jawaan. The film had all the elements of a .