The magical world and franchise that is Harry Potter is still chugging along today. With a lot of buzz around Max’s Harry Potter TV show , which is still in its development phases, the Fantastic Beasts series, and love for the original series, there’s no slowing down for the actors involved. Matthew Lewis, who played Neville Longbottom recently shared about life after Potter and his opinion about reprising Neville in the new series.

The 35-year-old attended the Rhode Island Comic Con over the weekend and weighed in on the decade he spent on set. He talked about everything from how the young cast stuck together and created a safe community for one another as well as life after the original Potter franchise ended. Lewis shared ( via People ) that as he was shedding Neville Longbottom there was some apprehension about graduating into the industry and moving on from Hogwarts.

He was excited to switch it up and explore the possibilities, he shared: Although, that said, I was very excited about the prospect. I have quite a short attention span, so that's probably why I've never chosen a real career. [After] 10 years in Harry Potter, I was ready to do something else and also was not keen to do anything that was going to lead to multiple series.

Dedicating ten years to a series is a big commitment, especially as a child star. Lewis has been candid about his experience post his wizardly world days and how his portrayal of Longbottom still follows the actor , even with a decade’s.