Three years have passed since the chaotic withdrawal of the United States and its allies, including Spain, from . The evacuation of the last troops was scheduled to take place on 31 August 2021, but the advance of the Taliban rebels, with hardly any resistance from President Ashraf Ghani’s Afghan army, precipitated events. The world was astonished to witness not only the inability of the powerful US forces to organise that retreat with a minimum of order and planning, but also the desperate scattering of thousands of Afghans scrambling to get on the last plane to take them out of the hell they logically assumed the country would become once the Taliban were back in power.

that immediately brought to mind the take-off of the last American helicopter from Saigon, when the Vietcong militiamen had already seized power in the whole of South Vietnam. More than twenty years of US military activity in inhospitable Afghanistan made that war the longest war fought by American troops in its history. especially women, who were able to return to the classroom, work in offices and even open their own businesses, essentially related to beauty and women’s fashion.

Donald Trump, then president, endorsed the agreement signed in 2020 in Doha between the Taliban and representatives of the Ghani government. An agreement by which the Afghan fundamentalists undertook to respect human rights and the social gains made by women. With Trump replaced by Joe Biden in the White House, it fell to Biden.