In Hollywood, appearance often feels like everything. For upcoming actors and musicians, the pressure to stay in peak condition can be intense. You know the type—those who exercise religiously, eat all the right meals, count their macros, and still feel let down by the scale.

If you’ve experienced the frustration, shame, and overwhelming guilt that may accompany weight loss efforts, you’re not alone. And if you’ve felt a pang of guilt for considering medical interventions for weight loss, it may be time to let that go. Czarina Enriquez, Nurse Practitioner and founder of The A-List Clinic , understands the unique challenges faced by those in the entertainment industry.

She points out that the human body isn’t a basic mathematical formula. As an expert with 10+ years in nursing, Czarina says there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to weight loss, so no one should be judged for exploring options that work for them. As many Hollywood hopefuls know, maintaining the “right look” can be challenging.

Despite the simple message of “Just eat less and exercise more,” the truth is that weight management requires more than just willpower. For performers, the irregular hours, the added stress, and the constant travel can make traditional weight loss methods even more difficult. This is where modern medicine comes in.

Given the complexity of the human body, Czarina recommends modern, personalized medical interventions for those who have struggled with traditional weight lo.