Birmingham's Adult Transplant Sport Team recently celebrated the 2024 British Transplant games - and left a lasting legacy in the process. Watch more of our videos on Shots! and live on Freeview channel 276 Earlier this month the Birmingham Adult Transplant Sport Team attended the Westfield Health British Transplant Games in Nottingham. which saw over 2,500 participants including live donors, donor families, supporters and 1,000 transplant recipients gathered for four days of sport and celebrations.

Taking place in Nottingham for the first time, this year’s British Transplant Games was 'the largest' gathering of transplant recipients since the Games started almost five decades ago. Across the weekend of August 4 and 5, the flagship event of charity Transplant Sport saw more than 25 sporting events take place in venues across Nottingham, with 2,011 competitive medals awarded, and 2,000 participants join the annual Donor Run – the highest number of sign-ups ever. The Donor Run is the only event open to everyone and is designed to thank donors and donor families for giving the ultimate gift of life.

This year’s run took place in the 'beautiful' setting of Wollaton Hall. Transplant Sport and Games organisers also worked in partnership with NHS Blood and Transplant to develop the East Midlands Donor Card, designed to leave a legacy and a commitment to organ donation in the region as the Games move on. Martin Searle, Team Manager for Birmingham Adult Transplant Sport Team, sa.