A failed bid to open an adult gaming centre round the clock seven days a week is to be reviewed. Luxury Leisure wants to open the premises at 335 Sauchiehall Street 24 hours. It submitted the application in November last year to extend its hours from 8am to Midnight.

The firm has other premises in Queen Street which operate 24 hours and it said it does so without noise complaints. The council , however, rejected the bid and said it would not benefit the community. The refusal notice, stated: “The proposal would be detrimental to residential amenity of the location due to increased footfall and noise at unsocial hours.

“Furthermore, the use is not considered to benefit the health and wellbeing of the community.” The owners feel that other adult gaming centres operated through the night with no evidence of problems and see no reason why Sauchiehall Street would be any different. They state it has been operating since June 2021 with no noise complaints.

The appeal statement said: “The council has concerns about increased footfall and the impact on residential amenity at unsocial hours. “As outlined by the applicant, Sauchiehall Street is a strategic thoroughfare and a mixed-use area within the city centre with a variety of late-night uses. “These established uses contribute to a higher level of background noise.

As per the evidence provided, late-night patronage of adult gaming centres is relatively low. “Attendees are generally individuals rather than noisy groups.