AYODHYA: Ayodhya was transformed into a breathtaking spectacle on Wednesday as it gleamed with the light of 25,12,585 diyas along the banks of the Saryu river in two world-record setting feats during the eighth edition of Deepotsav on Diwali eve. This was the first Deepotsav since the consecration of the Ram Lalla temple on January 22, with Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath leading the celebrations, along with his cabinet colleagues and Union Tourism and Culture Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat. The records that were set were for the largest display of oil lamps and most number of people performing an "aarti" simultaneously, representatives of the Guinness World Records declared in the evening.

Adityanath said the transformation of Ayodhya is a proof of the "double-engine government delivering on its promise" and asserted that a similar transformation must also happen in Kashi and Mathura by 2047, when India celebrates 100 years of independence. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader also hit out at the opposition for "becoming barriers" in the government's growth agenda. "Just like mafia dons, these barriers would also be eliminated," he said.

Adityanath said Ayodhya's transformation was "just the beginning" and part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision for the development of the heritage of Sanatan Dharma and taking it to the global stage. "This is the first festival of lights after 500 years, after our beloved Lord Shri Ramlala has been re-installed in his.