Indian actor Adil Hussain, who played a supporting role in 2019 movie Kabir Singh , said he has every right to criticize the movie. However, Hussain said he wasn’t criticizing director Sandeep Reddy Vanga. Hussain said he won’t stop calling out misogyny and violence in movies, adding he blames no one but himself for singing Kabir Singh as he didn’t read the entire script before agreeing to do the movie.

Kabir Singh Entry 🤌🏻 — SALMAHI (@CinemaXCricket) December 4, 2023 In a new interview with India Today NE, Hussain responded to Vanga saying that his role in Kabir Singh brought the actor more fame than his entire career before it.

Responding to Vanga’s claim, Hussain said, “How do I respond to that? Is Ang Lee less famous than him? Is Mira Nair less famous? Ang Lee was an Oscar-winner before Life of Pi.” For those who don’t know, Hussain has worked with famed filmmakers Lee and Nair in Life of Pi and The Reluctant Fundamentalist , respectively. Speaking about how gullible the Indian movie-going audience is, Hussain added, “Cinema is a powerful medium; it can influence you deeply.

In a country where they build statues of heroes and worship them, what sort of films do you want to make? You have to take into account the innocence and the intellectual level of the mass audience. If you make a movie that glorifies violence and misogyny, I will always retain my right to criticize you.” A post shared by Beyond Dreams (@beyondreams.
