The Lord calms stormy waters, the leader of Kentucky’s largest addiction treatment provider preached last week to a sanctuary full of clients, and these are certainly turbulent times. “The organization’s been dealing with some storms,” founder and CEO Tim Robinson told roughly 1,100 clients and employees last Wednesday at Southeast Christian Church in Jeffersonville, Ind., just across the Ohio River from Louisville.

“Not just one, but multiple storms,” Robinson said. “It’s been raging.” Three weeks earlier, the FBI announced it was investigating Robinson’s organization for possible .

speaking at ARC’s monthly three-hour gathering, which brings together hundreds of clients who are who are currently matriculating through its year-long “crisis to career” treatment program, which has been . For the , Newsweek named ARC one of America’s best addiction treatment centers, Robinson told the crowd, most of whom had arrived on chartered coach buses from ARC centers around the state, primarily from Eastern Kentucky, where the organization is based. It was the first convocation since the FBI announced its probe.

Robinson, who typically makes an appearance, preached from the book of Matthew. He spoke of Jesus walking on water toward a boat holding his disciples, who’d gotten caught in a storm and were afraid. Jesus calmed the battering waves, invited Peter to walk on water to meet him and reignited his disciples’ faith in him as a savior, Robinson explained.