JACKSON, Wyo. , Aug. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Adamo Bioscience introduces the Adamo Method, the most significant advancement in sexual medicine since Sensate Therapy was created by Masters and Johnson in the 1960s.

Developed by Molly Maloof , MD, Dr. Saida Desilets, PhD, and Aaron Michael, MA, this innovative approach improves sexual satisfaction, enhances intimacy, and addresses sexual dysfunction through science-backed practices. In a groundbreaking clinical study, facilitated by PhD candidates Tomasso Barba and Aleksandra Wingert from the Imperial College of London , couples who enrolled in the 8-week digital program experienced significant improvements in multiple markers of sexual and relational fitness including sexual satisfaction, communication, frequency, duration of intercourse, and feelings of love, passion, and emotional closeness (pending peer review).

Note: these percentages refer to individuals who completed the program, and do not represent improvements at a population level: 86% of participants reported improvements in Sexual Satisfaction 79% of participants reported improvements in Sexual Communication 73% of female participants reported increased Arousal 68% of participants reported improved Orgasm Quality 66% of participants reported increased Orgasm Frequency 67% of participants reported increased feelings of Love for their partners The Adamo Method includes practices involving breath, voice, touch, and movement to optimize the sexual experience and addres.