NEW YORK (AP) — Adam Pearson is an ardent believer in the old adage: Nothing wagered, nothing gained. Before Pearson was an actor, he worked at the BBC out of college. He was hired for six months, but, like much in Pearson’s life, he was determined to make the most of it.

“I decided I’m going to meet every person on this floor and ask them for coffee,” Pearson says. “If they say yes, great. If they, ‘No, you’re an idiot,’ I already know that.

I’ve lost nothing in that transaction. “It’s all about taking risk and rolling dice,” says Pearson. For Pearson, that means something a little different than most.

Since he was a young boy, Pearson has had neurofibromatosis, a condition that covers much of his face with benign skin tumors. But far from allowing that to define him, Pearson has become an acclaimed actor, a TV host and an activist for disabled people. He is braver than me.

He is braver than you. He has acted, naked, across from Scarlett Johansson. In Aaron Schimberg’s new film, “A Different Man,” he stars opposite Sebastian Stan.

Most would say he steals the show. “This past year has been wild,” Pearson said in a recent interview on a terrace at the New York offices of A24. “If you had told me that I’d work with Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan and I’d be here talking to you right now, I’d be like, ‘Nope.

Not going to happen.’” “A Different Man,” which expands in theaters this week, has been causing a stir since it fir.