Friday night the bridges, cathedrals, and institutions of Paris, along with the Eiffel Tour, stood as magnificent backdrops to the 2024 Olympic Games. The Opening Ceremonies were unique and special as athletes rode the waves of the Seine through one of the world’s great and beautiful cities. They also offered a path forward for those who wish to respect their history while adapting to modern societal realities.

Canadian media commentators seemed rather taken aback by the spectacle, despite the restrained nature of the French patriotism. The efforts of CBC and TSN personalities to shoehorn in Canadian social justice warrior concerns at every opportunity availed them largely fell flat due to commentary which was unprepared and superficial. Most of the commentators, such as Andi Petrillo and Perdita Felicien, did their best to insult the intelligence of viewers while offering no tangible insight, perhaps other than teaching my four year-old daughter the expression “they got shafted.

” Thanks, guys. Their seeming confusion as to whether a portion of the telecast ceremony was in the Louvre was only one of a multitude of imbecilic utterances which marred an otherwise enjoyable experience. Scott Russel and Andrianne Arsenault were more civilized and knowledgeable, yet noted how the French were unapologetically patriotic when it came to their country, as performances referencing the works of Victor Hugo and the Moulin Rouge made their appearance early on.

Their surprise is itsel.