Friends, I gave myself the mantle of diluting whatever I personally feel or assume to be poisonous narratives especially those aimed at hoodwinking and or divide our society. For instance, President Museveni talked about how the Lubigi squatters were a recent creation. He had said that: “When I passed at that place in 1986 (on the way to liberate Kampala), that place had no encroachers!” I wrote a rebuttal and asked the president whether he has never passed around that place in the last 40 years? Of course he did.

But when did he realise that those people were encroaching on a wetland? If you recall, I personally faced Frank Gashumba and stopped him from his hitherto mission to sow seeds of divisionism indeed romantically massaging tribalism which would easily turn Uganda into Rwanda of 1994. Gashumba had created this “kiboozi- unfounded narrative” that Bobi Wine and his NUP supporters were preaching hate against Banyarwanda. I reminded Gashumba that this cannot be true since Bobi’s wife – Barbie Itungo – has Rwandan ancestry.

Therefore there was no way Bobi would antagonize his children’s uncles! Can you imagine that even Gen. MK had jumped on the bandwagon and started talking about tribalism and trying to get political capital out of it? Like his father, MK was headlining, where he went, the dangers of sectarian talk in Uganda. Like I told those gentlemen, Uganda is one country where sectarianism, divisionism, religious divide, tribalism, name others, cannot.