Actress Adah Sharma recently made headlines when it was revealed that she had moved into the late Sushant Singh Rajput's former apartment. The sea-facing duplex, located on the sixth floor of the Mont Blanc building in Bandra West, Mumbai, is a luxurious 4BHK with a terrace. During an event on August 12, where filmmaker Vikram Bhatt announced his upcoming projects, Adah shed some light on her new living situation.

When asked by a journalist if she had purchased the flat or was simply renting it, Adah was quick to clarify, "I’m just renting it! The Rs. 378 crores from The Kerala Story aren’t sitting in my bank account! And it’s not just me—my grandmother, who lives with me, insists on chipping in for the rent too. My mother, who doesn’t work but makes amazing food for us, contributes in her own way.

” A post shared by Adah Sharma (@adah_ki_adah) Adah also mentioned that the flat is owned by a Mr. Lalwani, who is currently residing in South Africa. She added with a smile, “Even Sushant lived there as a tenant.

” At this point, Vikram Bhatt couldn’t resist adding a playful jab, “And she has no furniture in her house! She doesn’t believe in furniture!” Adah, clearly amused, responded, “It’s true. My last place didn’t have any furniture either.” Bhatt, intrigued, quipped, “I’m still trying to figure out what that means!” Adah Sharma is set to star in Vikram Bhatt’s upcoming film Tumko Meri Kasam, alongside Anupam Kher, Ishwak Singh, and Esha D.