Adah Sharma has been named PETA India’s 2024 Person of the Year. The actress has long been a vocal supporter of ethical causes, using her platform to spread awareness about various animal welfare issues, animal rights and her compassionate approach to helping animals. Adah Sharma, PETA India's 2024 Person Of The Year One of the standout moments in The Kerala Story actress advocacy this year was her partnership with PETA India to gift a life-size mechanical elephant to a temple in Kerala.

This gesture was in recognition of the temple’s decision to stop using live elephants for ceremonies. Adah has also brought attention to the cruelty involved in the fashion industry. She starred in a thought-provoking PETA campaign, where she appeared "skinned alive," a major visual meant to point out the suffering of over 1.

4 billion animals killed every year for their skins. ALSO READ: Adah Sharma On Moving Into Sushant Singh Rajput's House: It Was A Big Decision | EXCLUSIVE Through this campaign, she encouraged people to choose cruelty-free fashion and raised awareness about the need for ethical alternatives. Additionally, Adah has been a vocal advocate for animal-friendly clothing, encouraging her 10 million Instagram followers to embrace sustainable, vegan styles.

She even modelled in PETA India’s first-ever vegan fashion lookbook. Adah's activism doesn’t stop at fashion. She has also hosted a Christmas party for chickens rescued from slaughterhouses.

Plus, she campaigned against.