Actress Joanne Peh and her nine-year-old daughter, who goes by the nickname Mimi, have collaborated with Singaporean shoe label PrettyFit on a mother-daughter capsule collection. In celebration of the footwear outfitter’s 30th anniversary, the Little Steps, Big Dreams range comprises three shoe styles inspired by Mimi’s footwear ambitions. “I introduced process art to my kids from a young age to let them experiment with different art supplies and to make things that they like,” shared the 41-year-old in an email interview with CNA Lifestyle.

The actress also has a seven-year-old son with actor Qi Yuwu. “At the age of four, Mimi was very into princesses and costumes, so I put out aluminium foil and ribbons to let her make her own shoes,” recalled Joanne. The striking Celestial ballet flats are a nod to ‘shoes’ made from aluminium foil and red ribbon from that phase.

“On another occasion, she made another pair of heels by strapping building blocks as the ‘heel’ to a cardboard cut according to the size of her feet and that really impressed me. “She told me that she wants to be a shoe designer so when PrettyFit wanted me to do a mother-daughter collection, I thought it ’ d be a wonderful opportunity for my daughter and I to work on it together so that I can help fulfil Mimi ’ s dream of becoming a shoe designer.” During the creative process that involved deciding on the styles and shapes of the shoes to nailing down materials, colours and accessories.