Hey everyone! Let’s review POPEYE’S And by Let’s, I mean let’s watch Michael Ornelas’s review POPEYE’S on his Fine Dining Podcast! Y’all, it’s hot! WE start with the expected recap of Summerslam, where The Judgment Day bursted at the seams! We get the winning wrestlers from Saturday arriving to the arena in numerous ways. We then go to the middle of the ring, where one Ludwig Kaiser stands in the center of darkness. He demands all our gratitude for our NEW World Heavyweigh Champion, The Ring General, Gunther.

Kaiser over here tryna take Samanatha’s job. Gunther comes out suited up and gives Kaiser a big hug of appreciation. He holds his title up high for the pyro pic and grabs a mic.

He introduces himself. He says if we think his IC reign was historic, wait till you see what he does with this title. In this ring, he is above everyone.

He is prepared for everyone and everything. Nothing can catch him off guard. He is greatness personified.

From this day forth, Monday Night RAW and the legacy of this business and sport and title belong to him. Randy Orton seems to disagree! He comes out and Cole blows several loads. Gunther admits that he is wrong, because this caught him off guard.

Orton says he wanted to come congratulate Gunther, but that’s not really his style. The title looks mighty fine hanging over his shoulders. He’s a good looking champion.

But he can’t help that when he looks at that title, he realizes that Orton is the only reason Gunther is h.