Where the hell is Houston’s Restaurant ? Thank goodness Michael Ornelas’s has nothing else to do and can inform us with his Fine Dining Podcast! Y’all, it’s hot! We start with Randy Orton here to introduce us, and says the next time he makes that intro, he’ll be champion. He says Gunther decided to go and make it personal, which gives him that much more reason to beat his ass in Berlin. Gunther brought up his father and grandfather last week, then turned his back, and he is Randy Orton, so he hit him with an RKO.

Cue Gunther! He comes out with his title and am ic, ready for his attack in this war of words. He tells Orton he needs him to shut up. Gunther goes on about how Orton is a one-trick pony and although he’s been successful, he’s out of Gunther’ league.

Orton looks to attack, but Ludwig Kaiser attacks from behind. He and Gunther double team, making short work of Orton, allowing Gunther to stand tall. We get a recap of Pete Dunne’s attack on Sheamus .

Live, and Jackie is with Sheamus who has his hand wrapped. Sheamus is ready for a fight. There will be retribution.

He’s got some tricks to teach these young Thundercats. He then asks Ft. Lauderdale if they’re ready for a banger.

Sheamus vs Pete Dunne Dunne works the left arm quickly and starts with the finger manipulation. Shemaus turns this into a pin as Dunne tries for a the triangle. Sheamus lifts Dunne up, though, and drops him with a back breaker onto the knee! Sheamus leaves the ring, gives Pat .