Actually all the people are quite happy with the way the nation has peacefully faced different changes, which were difficult to imagine in the otherwise traditional Nepali society and their way of thinking. Yet, some senior political analysts and the leaders, who preach all of us about good governance and democracy, does not bode well for the parties themselves, which all have contributed so much for the many positive changes. We all know about the beauty of a democracy, where opinions of individuals can differ and everyone has the right to express their own views.

Some people may be very popular and some may be in the minority, but the right to expression is an integral right of everyone in any democratic nation. No one can take away this right of the people and the people also do not accept such an attitude of the establishment. Now naturally the focus is on the air disasters taking place in Nepal so frequently.

At the same time, many people are also worried by the blame game taking place in neighbouring Bangladesh, which had already agreed to buy electricity from Nepal. We are further seeing a conflict between the management of the Nepal Electricity Authority and the government. This is not at all a positive indication for good governance and a disciplined bureaucracy.

This author does not have the 'expertise' of some bureaucrats, leaders or even some media persons who can quote line by line certain statistics or regulations, but I am very confident of some values which gu.