My name is Charlotte Broennimann. I hold an Engineering degree in Regenerative Medicine from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). I am currently the Product Manager at SEED Biosciences, a biotechnology company specializing in developing innovative technologies for single-particle isolation and dispensing.

Our ambition is to set new standards in single-cell biology to accelerate the translation of precision medicine from research to personalized therapies. At SEED Biosciences, our goal is to simplify and democratize access to single-particle technologies, enabling researchers to perform high-precision experiments with greater ease and efficiency and tackle challenges in drug discovery, personalized diagnostics and medicine, gene and cell therapies, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine. Dispen3D is an innovative single-particle dispenser that revolutionizes handling 3D cellular models.

Intuitive and compact, it has been designed for fast, gentle, and traceable single-particle isolation and dispensing. Using impedance-based dispensing technology together with advanced data analysis software, Dispen3D stands out as an ideal platform for precisely selecting and isolating individual spheroids, organoids, and tumoroids. It is a game-changer in drug screening and various other applications, marking a transition away from conventional animal models to advanced 3D models.

This innovative platform expands our range of single-cell dispensing solutions, a.