In a significant turn of events, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has declared the documentary 'Kiss The Future', produced by and Ben Affleck, eligible for Oscar consideration. This decision comes after an earlier ruling deemed the film ineligible due to a failure to meet certain qualification criteria, as per Deadline. As of today, 'Kiss The Future', directed by Nenad Cicin-Sain, is available in the Academy Screening Room, allowing members of the documentary branch to evaluate it for the Best Documentary Feature category.

Cicin-Sain expressed his relief and gratitude upon learning of the Academy's change of heart. "I'm very happy to learn from the Academy that they changed their decision," he told Deadline. The documentary focuses on the harrowing experiences of Sarajevo residents during the 1990s siege, showcasing how the music of U2 provided hope amid the turmoil of war, sniper attacks, and daily hardships.

Cicin-Sain remarked on the importance of sharing the stories of those affected, "There were so many people who shared their personal traumas and joys in the telling of this story. I feel they deserve to have as many platforms as possible to get their story into the world. And the Academy Awards has the ability to greatly amplify a story and get it attention," as per Deadline.

The reversal of the eligibility decision followed a standard administrative review by the Academy's committee. Initially, the documentary branch executive committee ruled that 'Kiss .