At 80 years old, renowned actor Abul Hayat shows no signs of slowing down. With over 50 years of experience in film and television, he has taken on a wide variety of roles and is never afraid to embrace new challenges. Now, the legendary actor embarks on yet another artistic venture, lending his voice to Antik Mahmud's latest animated project, with the recording already completed to perfection.

The Daily Star contacted the popular animator and got to know exclusive details about how he got the renowned actor to do the voice over and what type of character he will be portraying in the animation. Antik has created quite a loyal fan base by collaborating with numerous young celebrities like Pritom Hasan and Chirkutt. However, he had long dreamed of working with Abul Hayat and Dilara Zaman, both of whom played a huge part in his childhood.

"I used to watch their dramas on TV with my mom. They evoke such nostalgia for that period of my life," Antik shared. When asked how he convinced the veteran actor to voice a character in his animated project, Antik explained, "It took me seven years, since I started making animated series, to finally gather the courage to ask Abul Hayat Sir to lend his voice for one of my videos.

" In a humorous twist, Abul Hayat initially teased the animator by asking, "Tomra Bangla ebhabe bolo keno?" Antik was taken aback, fearing he had lost the opportunity. But to his surprise, the actor agreed to the role and enthusiastically recorded the voiceover. Antik .