Seasoned actor and casting director Abhishek Banerjee, who had a dual release this Independence Day with ‘Stree 2’ and ‘Vedaa’, recalled the time Karan Johar's Dharma Productions fired him for casting Anurag Kashyap-type actors. In an interview with Siddharth Kannan, he shared what went down. ADVERTISEMENT Abhishek said, "We were removed from Agneepath.

We were doing the casting for Agneepath, but then Jogi Bhai came in. Why were we removed? Because they didn’t like the casting. Karan Sir didn’t like it.

We were bringing in actors who were more like Anurag Kashyap’s style, which they didn’t like. So, they said, ‘Get out of our film!’ We thought our careers were ruined, finished! We were out of Dharma Productions, and it was over! But thankfully, we were saved." Released in 2012 ' ' is a special film as Hrithik was seen getting into Amitabh Bachchan's shoes because the movie was inspired by his 1990 release of the same name.

Helmed by Karan Malhotra and produced by Karan Johar the film also starred late actors Om Puri, and Rishi Kapoor in prominent roles and was declared a big hit. 'Agneepath' continues to be among the audience's favourite list. The film also starred Priyanka Chopra, Rishi Kapoor, and Sanjay Dutt in pivotal roles.

Banerjee, who is a big fan of expressed his love for the legendary during an episode of 'Aapka Apna Zakir', hosted by standup comedian and actor Zakir Khan. A post shared by Abhishek Banerjee (@nowitsabhi) He shared, "We all are s.