Abhishek Banerjee has made significant strides in Bollywood, excelling not only as an actor but also as a well-known casting director. In a recent interview with Siddharth Kannan, the actor mentioned that he was asked to leave Karan Malhotra's Agneepath because the latter was not impressed by his casting choice. Abhishek has since clarified his statement, emphasizing that his words were “misinterpreted as accusatory.

” (Also read: Stree 2 actor Abhishek Banerjee recalls being thrown out of Karan Johar's Dharma Productions for this reason ) Abhishek Banerjee says his statement was misinterpreted Abhishek took to his Twitter handle and shared a note which read, “This week I have been blessed with two releases and one controversy. I’ve been reading and hearing a lot of reports about Dharma Productions supposedly firing my company, Casting Bay, during the casting process of Agneepath (2012). Unfortunately, this situation has been completely misrepresented as accusatory on our part.

In a podcast/interview, I had stated the reason for our dismissal, acknowledging that we were unable to align with the vision of director Karan Malhotra for Agneepath. I also emphasized that Anmol and I were quite young at the time, around 20 to 23 years old, with little to no experience in casting for a major commercial film, which perhaps led to us misinterpreting Mr. Malhotra’s requirements for the project.

” Abhishek Banerjee feels grateful to Karan Johar “I have not accused or suggeste.